Luxury Hospitality Daily News

We open our columns to you!

You are a communication or a PR manager?
Submit your press releases in English, French or Spanish:

Create a Press Corner for your company or your client's company and submit your press releases for free. Our desk will look carefully at each submitted press release. We do reserve the right to refuse if it doesn't match our editorial line*. If we keep it, we will publish it for free on Journal des Palaces.

Rate for press releases posting: free of charge

- publication on our website
- illustrated with one logo and pictures that are under your copyright
- title contained in our newsletter
- shared on our social networks (no guaranty, depending on the subject and other daily news)

Our readership: Click here for a profile of our Reader Account members

* Important: Your press releases must imperatively and solely concern ultra-luxury and luxury hospitality. Your press release should not talk about hospitality sector in general.
Topic examples: appointment, opening, renovation, new affiliation, new unique experiences for guest, conferences, new product, shows, rewards etc.

You are organising a conference, trade fair or press trip?
Send us your invitation:

Invitations to press trip, press conferences and events has to be sent to

You are a Marketing-manager:
Opt for a sponsored content!

We all have our profession and it may be not easy to find the right words. Order an advertorial, we will listen to you speaking about your company, your products... We will know how to write the appropriate content that will highlight your news. The "Sponsored content" package includes writing and sharing your news with our audience of decision-makers (more than 180,000 contacts). The mention "Sponsored article" will appear at the top of the article. The article is signed by the journalist. Our editorial committee will check beforehand that the subject fits in with our editorial line.

Rate for advertorial: starting from 1,200 euros

- writing an article or interview
- publication on our website
- illustrated with one logo and pictures that are under your copyright
- title of the article in the journal's newsletter and in our LinkedIn weekly newsletter
- guaranteed inclusion in a Linkedin post

So that we can give you a precise quote, we invite you to send us an email at

By publishing content on a regular basis, you can raise awareness of your brand, strengthen your reputation and build a long-term presence. Ask us about our volume discounts!

Create your Press corner on Journal des Palaces Enter your email address below to create your press corner. You will receive an email with a unique and temporary registration link.

Press release distribution is free of charge. Why?
Because we do not want to push back any interesting news and give our readers the most complete review.

In the same way, readers have free-access to our news section in order that anybody may read them. We ensure the greatest visibility of your press releases.

Press conferences and trips Invitations to press trip, press conferences and events has to be sent to


- 35,000 subscribers to our LinkedIn newsletters which come out every Friday afternoon, in English and French versions

- 96,000 visitors per month, including our homepage, news section and resources section
Source: Matomo

A strong social media presence

185,000 members


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You are a communication or the PR manager?
Click here

You are an applicant?
Check out our questions and answers here!

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Check out our questions and answers here!