Luxury Hospitality Daily News

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News recommended by our desk
Published on Monday 23 March
Categories: - Events - What's new?
Published on Thursday 05 March
Categories: - Industry economy - Hotel projects
On the occasion of today’s media breakfast at The Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin, Martin R. Smura, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the management board...
News recommended by our desk
Published on Thursday 05 March
Categories: - Industry economy - New brand / Affiliation
For more than 30 years Aman’s constellation has stretched from the shores of Phuket to the mountains of Bhutan, and will soon reach the avenues of New York.
Published on Tuesday 28 January
Categories: - Industry economy - Tourism - What's new?
The role of tourism in the new European Green Deal was highlighted at the FITUR trade fair.
Published on Friday 29 November
Categories: - Events - What's new?
Radisson Hotel Group, one of the largest and most dynamic hotel groups in the world, is delighted to announce the establishment of a strategic joint venture...
Published on Wednesday 06 November
Categories: - Industry economy - Figures / Studies
However, Survey from Marriott Hotels Reveals that just 15 Minutes of Mind-Clearing Leads to More Inspired Thinking
Published on Monday 14 October
Categories: - Events - Rewards
Sun Group proudly flew the flag for all of Vietnam at the World Travel Awards (WTA) - Asia & Oceania and World Luxury Hotel Awards (WLHA), which were both held...
Published on Wednesday 24 October
Categories: - Events - Rewards
LC BESPOKE, proudly appointed as the Sales Representation Company for the Myconian Collection, in the French-speaking markets of Europe and Italy, is delighted...
Article by Sylvie Leroy
Published on Wednesday 05 September
Categories: - Career - Career
It’s the beginning of the month and time for a review!
Article by Anne-Laure Hecquet
Published on Monday 04 June
Categories: - Events - What's new?
What a week! We keep getting surprised in the ultra-luxury hospitality industry. Between partnership and reopenings, nothing seems to stop the market
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5  >>

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