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Published on Thursday 30 June
Categories: Europe - Suppliers
Groupe GM, leader internazionale nel settore degli articoli di cortesia per alberghi, offrirà presto agli ospiti degli hotel di lusso di tutto il mondo una...
Published on Wednesday 29 June
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Suppliers
Leverages RTConnect to improve online sales efficiency
Published on Wednesday 22 June
Categories: Central and South America - United States - Suppliers
Alex Moura returns as Regional Sales Director
Published on Wednesday 15 June
Categories: Europe - Suppliers
Client hotels experience an average 35% growth in online revenue
Published on Tuesday 07 June
Categories: North America & West Indies / Carribean islands - United States - Suppliers
New lineup features world’s first SMART TV with a built-in modem for hospitality
Published on Friday 27 May
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Groupe GM, international player in the hotel amenity industry, will soon be able to offer hotel guests worldwide a new range of luxury amenities through a...
Published on Thursday 26 May
Categories: Europe - United Kingdom - Suppliers
Releases key online travel trends in the United Kingdom
Published on Wednesday 18 May
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
NH China managed properties sign up for RateTiger solutions to improve online revenue
Published on Monday 09 May
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
eRevMax completes integration with Fastpayhotels
Interface to help hotels distribute their non-refundable early bird rates to tour operators
Published on Tuesday 26 April
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Hotel customers witness double digit revenue growth YoY
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