Luxury Hospitality Daily News

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Published on Thursday 16 April
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
New interface to allow hotels push direct rates and availability to the travel application
Published on Wednesday 01 April
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
7 properties sign up for LIVE, the Integrated Management Dashboard for simplifying distribution
Published on Wednesday 18 March
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Interface to help connected hotels make real-time rate and availability update
Published on Tuesday 03 March
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
Allowing hoteliers to update rate and availability on sites from Channel Manager LIVE
Published on Thursday 26 February
Categories: Worldwide - Afghanistan - Suppliers
eRevMax shares key insight on distribution trends in hospitality industry
Published on Thursday 12 February
Categories: Europe - Albania - Suppliers
RateTiger and Connect, facilitated booking revenue for its hotel clients across the globe.
Published on Thursday 29 January
Categories: Worldwide - Algeria - Suppliers
Offers hoteliers access to advanced rate recommendations within the LIVE platform
Published on Wednesday 03 December
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers completes 2-way XML connectivity for greater access to inventories
Published on Thursday 20 November
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
49 properties will use RateTiger for rate & inventory management
Published on Tuesday 11 November
Categories: Worldwide - Suppliers
22 properties of the group are using RateTiger Shopper optimizing rate strategy
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