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Monte-Carlo SBM intensifies international e-commerce: Launch of the site in Russian, Chinese and German

Monte-Carlo SBM intensifies international e-commerce: Launch of the site in Russian, Chinese and German

Catégorie : Monde - Expériences exclusives - Quoi de neuf ?
Ceci est un communiqué de presse sélectionné par notre comité éditorial et mis en ligne gratuitement le 14-12-2012

Pursuing its politic of digital expansion, the group Monte-Carlo SBM is increasing its international presence and visibility. After launching its new site in French, English and Italian, the Russian, Chinese and German sites are now available.

On the home page, the visitor is invited to discover the various establishments, activities and special offers. The navigation system offers users thematic suggestions for their stays, but also visibility on major events in the Principality. It also includes all the existing videos, virtual tour and link to the Monte-Carlo Legend site.

The full digital access to the course in the native language of the user (information, descriptions, Booking Engine) allows visitors to organize their stay, combining the dream and purchase, in all simplicity. In 2012, the sites and web portal of Monte-Carlo SBM, attracted 1.5 million visitors, and 6.5 million page views.

With these new versions in Russian, Chinese and German, Monte-Carlo SBM intensifies its positioning in marketing and international sales, strengthening its presence by combining digital quality of service, expertise and innovation.

Also available is a new digital presence via iPhone applications « MyMonteCarlo” (a visitors guide to Monaco) and « MonteCarloHotels » to directly book your stay.

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