Le Journal des Palaces

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Florida Hotel is Recognized for Going Green (États-Unis)

Florida Hotel is Recognized for Going Green (États-Unis)

Catégorie : Amérique du Nord et Antilles - États-Unis - Expériences exclusives - Récompenses, remises de prix, concours
Ceci est un communiqué de presse sélectionné par notre comité éditorial et mis en ligne gratuitement le 09-01-2009

Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village Designated as a Florida Green Lodging Hotel

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has recently awarded the Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel in the Marriott Village the distinguished honor of becoming part of the Florida Green Lodging group of hotels with the coveted Green Lodging certification.

Having met all of the requirements to officially become part of the environmentally-friendly association of hotels, the Courtyard Orlando, Florida family hotel is extremely proud of their achievement.

"Adopting effective eco-practices is a winning combination for everyone," explains Chris Pilavakis, General Manager of the Marriott Village hotels. "Collectively, every member of our staff participates in making a positive difference to preserve the environment while saving resources and money."

Florida's Green Lodging Program establishes guidelines for hotels and other tourist destinations seeking green status, which encompasses water and energy conservation to name a few. To become a designated member of the Florida Green Lodging Program, hotels must implement a variety of green practices. These practices include, but are not limited to, water conservation, energy efficiency, waste reduction and recycling.

Florida's Green Lodging motto is, "Protect Florida's Future," and the Courtyard Orlando hotel near Disney World is doing just that.

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