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BMIHMS Alumnus Accepted to Prestigious Les Clefs D’Or (Australie)

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School (BMIHMS) is celebrating the success of one of its former students, who has this week been accepted into the prestigious Les Clefs d’Or.

BMIHMS Alumnus Accepted to Prestigious Les Clefs D’Or (Australie)

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School (BMIHMS) is celebrating the success of one of its former students, who has this week been accepted into the prestigious Les Clefs d’Or.

Catégorie : Asie Pacifique - Australie - Expériences exclusives - Récompenses, remises de prix, concours
Ceci est un communiqué de presse sélectionné par notre comité éditorial et mis en ligne gratuitement le 10-07-2015

Pericles Yiannakis, who graduated from BMIHMS in 2007, was one of just three new members to be accepted into the international society of professional hotel concierges this month. The gold keys members receive are the symbol of guaranteed, quality service.

Originally from Zimbabwe, Pericles worked at the Brisbane Marriott Hotel after graduating from BMIHMS, before progressing to his current role as Assistant Concierge at the Sofitel Brisbane.

For a concierge to be accepted as a member of Les Clefs d’Or Australia, he or she must meet certain minimum requirements. The applicant must be currently employed in a hotel of good standing and have completed five consecutive years in the hospitality industry.

Perry said it was an honour to have been accepted into the organisation.

“I’m so happy to finally be part of Les Clefs d’Or. I have worked in all departments of hotels, from food and beverage in London, to a being a porter on a tropical island in the Whitsundays and now to concierge at the top hotel in Brisbane, and I can truly say that working on the concierge desk is my favourite.

“I have the opportunity to develop relationships with guests to a personal level, as well as develop and train up and coming professional concierges.

“Now that I have my keys I have my eyes on a Chief Concierge position. Hopefully at Sofitel Brisbane, or in one of the many new hotels that will be opening in the area over the next few years,” Perry said.

BMIHMS COO, Jerome Casteigt, said Pericles’ success was a reflection of the calibre of alumni the School is producing.

“We are thrilled to hear that Perry has been accepted to Les Clefs d’Or. We have now had three BMIHMS alumni accepted as members around the world, which is a wonderful achievement.

“We pride ourselves on ensuring our students are work ready upon graduation through a combination of theoretical coursework and practical experience. When our alumni are honoured in this way, we share in their successes. We have no doubt that this is the first of many successes that Perry will celebrate throughout the course of his career,” he said.

Perry noted that his time at BMIHMS had been the perfect platform to launch his career in the industry.

“The importance of attention to detail and the need for the right attitude were taught to me on day one at BMIHMS, and I have carried those values through with me to get where I am currently in my career. Being a graduate of BMIHMS has given me the foundations to be great leader in industry one day and I’m thoroughly enjoying my journey so far,” he said.

Pericles will discuss his experiences and share some industry insights at the upcoming BMIHMS Information Evening at the Sofitel Brisbane Central on Friday 31 July from 6pm. Drinks and canapés will be served, and students will have a chance to go on a hotel tour.

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