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The IT and corporate receptions teams of RIU Hotels & Resorts recently presented one of their most ambitious projects in recent years: the development of their own internal app for managing tasks in hotels: Riu Staff.


The IT and corporate receptions teams of RIU Hotels & Resorts recently presented one of their most ambitious projects in recent years: the development of their own internal app for managing tasks in hotels: Riu Staff.

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This new tool is the result of two and a half years of hard work, including 40,000 hours of development and the contribution of more than 50 in-house professionals, as well as an investment of 450,000 euros to purchase devices, servers and wireless networks.

The new app improves guest service thanks to the speed and agility it provides, as well as the contributions of experienced employees from various hotels who proposed improvements to the tool and extra features to ensure that it perfectly fits hotel management needs.

The new app represents a considerable improvement due to the immediacy and agility it provides in the day-to-day work of the housekeeping, technical services, minibars and management departments.

What’s more, it can also work completely offline in the event of a failure in the hotel's WiFi or the device's data connection, which is an unusual feature in this type of app. The app also makes it possible to considerably improve response times and reduce the amount of paper used.

The first hotel to use Riu Staff was the Riu San Francisco in September 2022 and, after the app had successfully passed all the tests, roll-out began and is currently complete in 27 hotels.

The rest of the RIU chain's establishments currently use an external app that will be replaced by Riu Staff in the coming months, and all hotels are expected to be using this in-house tool before the end of 2024.

The app allows different departments to remotely manage their functions using mobile devices. This makes it significantly easier to monitor, assign and perform tasks.

The app guarantees task execution and traceability, displaying real-time status information to the different user profiles. The corporate Receptions team and its in-depth knowledge of the hotel's day-to-day operation played a fundamental role in designing the app's features. In fact, the app covers many tasks that went through hotel reception before digitalisation.

The new app is integrated with RUMBO, RIU's Property Management System, an in-house system for hotel management that includes various modules to cover all areas of the company. In turn, the latter is synchronised with the Riu Guest app that is used by guests before, during and after their stay.

Therefore, when a customer makes a request on Riu Guest using their mobile, it is first sent to RUMBO and this system then passes it on to Riu Staff. The staff member executes the request and the communication process is repeated in reverse to let the customer know that their request has been carried out. Therefore, this two-way communication streamlines both communication in the hotel and the resolution of incidents and tasks.

As it is adapted to RIU's management tools and thanks to the involvement of hotel operations staff, the new app is perfectly adapted to the real needs of hotel employees.

The improvements include the management of services and the creation of tasks or incidents linked to customers instead of a room, as well as ambitious projects for the future that will also cover health and hygiene, preventive maintenance and construction work management.

About RIU Hotels & Resorts

The international RIU hotel chain was started in Mallorca, Spain, in 1953 as a small holiday business run by the Riu family, the founders and current owners, now in its third generation. The company specialises in holiday accommodation and over 75% of its establishments offer its renowned All Inclusive by RIU service. With the opening of its first city hotel in 2010, RIU expanded its product line with its own range of RIU Plaza urban hotels. RIU Hotels & Resorts has 96 hotels in 20 countries, with a total of 34,215 employees that welcomed 6 million customers in 2022. RIU is currently the 32nd largest chain in the world, and is second in Spain by turnover and fourth by number of rooms.

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